If you’ve been following me for some time or stumbled upon me recently. I guarantee this article can benefit you not just as a real estate agent, but in your everyday life too.
I launched The Core Truth series last year in 2022, which is a video series where I share my core truths working in the real estate industry for more than 50 years. And I was kind of hesitant to do this series…
…because the last thing people want is someone lecturing them on how to live. I’m tired of people preaching things like:
“The great five hacks for an exciting life.”
“How to become financially free.”
And oh you’re going to love this one, “The secret to mastering productivity and thriving in a fast-paced world.”
But The Core Truth series is FAR from that. Not even close. So why did I launch this series? How can it serve real estate agents? Let’s talk about that.
Why I started “The Core Truth” Series?
Because over five decades in the real estate business, I’ve worked with thousands of real estate agents, and hundreds of offices, and I’ve worked at the corporate level in three different companies…
…I’ve been an agent, I’ve been a manager, I’ve been the head of a major national brand — I founded Teles Properties, sold it, and now I’m with Douglas Elliman as President.
And you know, ALL the notes I’ve kept over the years, all the wisdom I’ve accumulated – the thoughts, the lessons, and the experiences I had at different levels, I believed they might come in handy one day. So that was kind of the genesis behind The Core Truth series.
How Can You Benefit From The Core Truth series?
I’m not going to tell people how to live, but at the same time, I’m hoping somebody just starting out in the real estate industry — or even an experienced agent, might just get a golden nugget. I’ll share personal life lessons, unconventional real estate business insights and wisdom, even fitness advice, and everything in between.
That’s what the series is really all about. You know, at this point in my life, if I can just give back a little bit, and maybe shortcut someone’s learning experience in real estate…
…save them some of the grief I went through personally when trying to become successful, then I’ve done my job. Each video of the series is short and sweet, but packed with value. So I hope you like it. Here’s the link to The Core Truth series for your interest.
Speaking of golden nuggets, I’d like to share one with you right now.
Don’t Sell, Be a Consultant
You see this being taught a lot in real estate nowadays: How to close urlbuyers, convert leads, and how real estate is a numbers game. You know, despite the fact that I believe sales skills are crucial in real estate, at the end of the day, I choose more of a consultant role. Now what do I mean by that?
Rather than trying to close you or convert you or make you a prospect or a lead, I’m more interested in finding out what your goals are, and what your priorities are, and if you don’t know them, I’ll help you figure them out, and actualize them.
Putting Consulting to Work
Oftentimes someone will come to me and say something like, “Hey, I’m thinking of selling my house, because I want to move to Portugal. Can you help us with that?” My first question might be — why are you selling? It may not be the smartest thing to do to sell your house.
What if you decided to come back? You’ll come back to higher prices and have a more difficult time purchasing. It might make more sense to rent your house, then rent another in Portugal, see if you like it, and if you do, stay. If not, you’ll always have a url to come back to.
You see, I want them to think through the options.
Don’t just be out to make a sale, be out to improve lives. Be out to improve your clients’ wealth, to help them make better decisions.
So in my mind, it’s more about really having honest conversations with clients. Being a consultant, sharing my real estate advice, sharing my knowledge, sharing my thoughts on investment, wealth creation, and all of those things that come with real estate.
You know, too many people are just focused on themselves as real estate agents. “How am I going to earn a commission? How am I going to close a deal?” All those questions will be answered, and you won’t have to worry about making money if you come from a place of service.
Don’t focus on selling, focus on guiding your clients. And the money will follow. And when it does, it might never stop coming because you may earn yourself repeat customers and referrals.
‘Til next time, make sure to follow me for more real estate golden nuggets. And you can watch The Core Truth series on YouTube, to learn more about being the best version of yourself as a real estate professional.